Registration is open!

The Eldering Journey

A Year-Long Intensive

Rites of passage have a certain alchemical influence on a soul and a community, a catalyzing impact that combines the stuff of our days, and ritually moves us onto a new plane, with a greater horizon. They are profound threshold-crossing moments. However, every graduation proceeds from years of study, every bar mitzvah follows many nights of Torah, every wedding flows out of a season of romancing another.

Some rites of passage begin a new stage, some mark the completion of a body of work, but a rite of passage doesn't stand on its own. It is powerful, even transformational, but without connection to a body of formational work done over extended time, the event itself will less frequently find sufficient purchase on the soul to draw out all the transformation that is possible.

Many come to an Elders' Rites of Passage® primarily to mark and further the eldering work they're already doing in other contexts, which is absolutely fine--and for everyone we suggest some basic preparation work for everyone.

Many wish to combine their 5-day rites, with an intensive course that walks them through the Eldering Journey™ over a period of time, with a cohort of others on the same path. This can be done before and/or after the rites, but the course is ideally situated (though not required) to do the same year as an rites of passage into elderhood.

Who can participate: For 2025, we'll be accepting men and women in their 60's and older.

Who are the Guides: Each session or theme has a different elder as a guide, but often the most important teachings are coming from the other participants.

When: All times/days are Wednesdays at 10am PST for 2.5 hours each session.

Current Dates are:

Where: On Zoom

Cost: It is our desire that money NEVER be the barrier to participation, thus we are committed to offering scholarships and payment options to ensure everyone who wishes can participate. If you want to pay in a lump sum, we have a sliding scale from $50 to $800, with the standard tuition costing $395 (You simply name your contribution amount.) If you want to spread your payments out over the course of up to 12 months, you can do so easily at no cost.

Register: will open soon

"I am truly deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to prepare for the EROP over an extended period of time."

~Frank, Germany

"The arc of the areas of self-reflection flowed well. Monthly gatherings were beautifully crafted."

~Glenn, Arkansas

"I found the breakout rooms in the monthly zoom meetings extraordinary. The honesty and spontaneity were refreshing"

~Benjamin, California

"Wonderful leadership and intriguing, insightful homework exercises."

~Lou, Oregon

"Opportunity to take a deeper dive, listen to my soul"

~Rich, Massachusetts

"My experience was so much more than I expected. Very well put together as a curriculum to prepare for EROP. Excellent choices for session leadership. Ned was an amazing facilitator. Using breakout groups allowed us to get to know others and participate in a connection that would otherwise not have happened if just dialogue in the large group. The cost was well worth what was given."

~Doyle, Tennessee

There are two options for going through the Eldering Journey™:

  1. LIVE: The preferred option is to join a cohort and walk through the course with others. This has the benefit of council work and live engagement with the elders holding the various sessions, which is invaluable. If you want to be connected with a sage partner, we offer this as part of the process.

  2. ON-DEMAND: In recognition that the meeting times may not work for everyone. We are also making available all the content of the EROP Journey in a work-at-you-own-pace format. You would miss the opportunities for council, but everything else would be available.

Both during and between the gatherings, you'll be invited into ceremony, council, wanderings in nature, readings, teaching, story & poetry, practices/exercises, dyad work, and more

By the end, not only will you be further along in your own journey but assuming you'll be in the live course, you'll also deeply connected to some of the other folks in your cohort.